All you need is your Provider One Number and your birthdate to log on.
Please contact us at if you would like to register for this service.
Contact us at of you are interested in exploring our facility portal.
To get started, you only need your “ProviderOne Number,” your date of birth, and the date of your trip.
You don’t need to open an account. You should be an active Hopelink Medicaid Transportation client with scheduled rides.
Yes, it is safe to use Hopelink’s “MyRideOnline.” We will not store your personal data on the website. When you are finished using Hopelink’s “MyRideOnline,” please close your browser.
Hopelink’s “MyRideOnline” can show you the rides you have scheduled one day at a time. Please select the “New Date” button to select another date in the next two weeks. You can also see rides you took in the last two weeks. If you need to check on other rides, or bus ticket and gas card orders, please call Hopelink.
To protect your privacy, the website does not save any information. It also logs out after a few minutes. This means you have to enter your information again. It also means that if you forget to close your browser, your information is safe.